Humanity and Social Science Electives
Students are required to satisfactorily complete at least six H/SS elective courses, for a total of 18 units.
H/SS electives must be on the approved list available online:
Depth Requirement
Must complete two or more courses (only one of which can be an introductory course designated by
an asterisk [*]) from one of the departments or programs within the School of Arts and Sciences.
Example: ECON 0100* - Introduction to Microeconomic Theory
ECON 1100 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
May also satisfy the depth requirement by completing two or more courses with a related theme,
e.g., courses that focus on a geographic region, historic period, or ideological perspective.
Breadth Requirement
Students must select courses from at least three different School of Arts and Sciences humanities and
social science departments.
Writing Requirement
All Swanson School of Engineering students must also complete a least one “W” designated course
in which the “W” indicates that a course has a substantial writing component, as approved by the
School of Arts and Sciences. This requirement may alternatively be satisfied by completing ENGCMP
0400: Written Professional Communication for the Communication Skills Elective (see below).
Communication Skills Elective
To satisfy the Communication Skills Elective requirement, students must satisfactorily complete one of the
following courses:
COMMRC 0500: Argument
COMMRC 0520: Public Speaking
COMMRC 0540: Discussion
ENGCMP 0400: Written Professional Communication (this is a “W” designated course)
ENGR 1010: Communication Skills for Engineers
Engineering Elective
Students are required to complete one Engineering Elective course, for a total of at least three units. Any course
offered by the Swanson School of Engineering may be used to satisfy this requirement.
Examples: ENGR 0020: Probability and Statistics for Engineers
or IE 1040: Engineering Economic Analysis
It does not have to be an upper-level course. For students pursuing a minor from another department, one of the
courses required for the minor can be used to fulfill this requirement.
Technical Electives
Technical electives are usually not offered during the Summer Term. Co-op students can earn three units for a
written technical report on their co-op experience, which may be substituted for one of the technical electives.
Students in the mechanical engineering program are required to satisfactorily complete four technical electives,
for a total of twelve units. At least one of the four must be a Dynamic Systems Technical Elective. Students in the
materials science & engineering program are required to satisfactorily complete three technical electives, for a
total of nine units.