Space Puppets
Astronaut Annie Bag Puppet from Rachelle Belair-Gendron @ Pinterest; Alien Finger Puppets from Baker Ross: Crafts for Teachers
Puppetry originated around 3000 years ago. Some believe that it originated in China, in the form of
shadow puppetry. Others believe it originated in India. Some puppets are very simple to make and
use, but others are very complicated and need skill to use. The person who works the puppet and
makes it move is a puppeteer. There are many different types of puppets to be found around the
world. Puppetry is a special art form that is very important in some cultures.
Types of Puppets:
Finger Puppet: A very simple type of puppet where the puppet is placed on a finger and
worked by moving the finger.
Hand Puppet: Similar to a finger puppet, but only larger. The puppeteer uses his fingers and
hand to work the puppet. A brown paper bag puppet and sock puppet is considered a hand
Shadow Puppet: Another very simple puppet. A cut out figure on a rod is held in front of a
light. Its shadow is projected onto a screen. The puppeteer moves the puppet around, giving it
some life. Sometimes colored paper is used to give a certain amount of color to the puppet.
Marionette or String Puppet: This puppet is moved around with strings that hang from
above the theatre. This is one of the more complex types of puppetry and is hard to master as
some marionettes can have up to thirty strings.
And many more! Learn puppet facts for kids at
Artists use engineering design process similar to scientists, and often have to problem solve and use
math, technology, and science to invent their creations!
Space Puppets
Astronaut Annie Bag Puppet from Rachelle Belair-Gendron @ Pinterest; Alien Finger Puppets from Baker Ross: Crafts for Teachers
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Astronaut Paper Bag Puppet
A brown or white paper lunch bag
Coloring utensils (crayons, markers, etc.)
Glue stick
Astronaut Annie template, or free-style your astronaut!
Alien Peeper Finger Puppet
Pipe Cleaner(s)
Googly eyes or sticker eyes
Craft Pom Poms
Liquid glue or hot glue gun
Any additional decorations or add ons! (ex. Straws, feathers, stickers, bows, etc)
Puppet 1 Astronaut Bag Puppet
1. Take your Annie Astronaut template or just your paper bag and decorate it so that it can be
ready for its next mission launch!
2. Once you have colored your astronaut, use scissors to cut out the astronaut template. You
may need a little help from an adult for this one! And if you are just decorating your bag, you
can skip this step!
3. Once the Annie Astronaut is all suited up, take your glue stick and add glue to the back of the
astronaut. Now you can attach your astronaut to the paper bag.
4. Let your astronaut dry from your decorating and gluing, and in no time it’ll be ready to go!
5. Whether you decorate just your bag or use the template, once your astronaut is ready you can
use it in your next puppet show!
What was your thought process for designing and decorating your astronaut?
Space Puppets
Astronaut Annie Bag Puppet from Rachelle Belair-Gendron @ Pinterest; Alien Finger Puppets from Baker Ross: Crafts for Teachers
Did you take some time to brainstorm, or did you just jump right in to making your astronaut?
Did you run into any problems while creating your puppet? If so, how did you use problem-solving to
get past any issues?
Puppet 2 Alien Peeper Finger Puppet
1. Pour some milk into a shallow dish or bowl until the milk covers the bottom.
2. Add some drops of food coloring on the milk. You can use a variety of colors, just be sure to
add 3-4 drops of each color.
3. Add a drop of dish soap into the center of the milk.
4. And that’s it! Watch in amazement as the colors dance across the surface of the milk!
Draw a blueprint for the design your alien finger puppet.
Space Puppets
Astronaut Annie Bag Puppet from Rachelle Belair-Gendron @ Pinterest; Alien Finger Puppets from Baker Ross: Crafts for Teachers
Now draw a picture of how your alien finger puppet actually turned out!
What was your thought process for designing and decorating your astronaut?
Did you run into any problems while creating your puppet? If so, how did you use problem-solving to
get past any issues?
Space Puppets
Astronaut Annie Bag Puppet from Rachelle Belair-Gendron @ Pinterest; Alien Finger Puppets from Baker Ross: Crafts for Teachers
Try making a layered density column that you can drink! Try substituting unsweetened soft
drink mix for the food coloring, or four flavors of a sweetened mix for the sugar plus the food
Instead of using dish soap, try using hand soap or other cleaning liquids in your magical milk
experiment! Do you have the same outcome?
In your rainbow reaction, make more colors to add to your rainbow by combining food
coloring together. What colors can you create?
Other resources: